News — macarons fault line cake
美食 | 大饱口福之余,视觉也很重要啊!蛋糕界的fashion show,你看过吗?
Posted by Eat Cake Today on
本地的“Eat Cake Today”(简称ECT)则透过类似的平台展示不一样的未来创意和流行趋势,在蛋糕和烘焙艺术界引起不小的轰动和回响。该公司今日向各大媒体和知名生活方式达人展示各式各样令人惊叹的创作,其中包括各款蛋糕、烘焙艺术、巧克力艺术及糖艺等,无一不反映蛋糕甜点业时下最流行及未来的潮流趋势。
- Tags: boba lava cake, cake delivery, cake trends 2020, chinese, chocolate showpiece, eat cake today, gems of the blue cake, gravitiminion cake, jar desserts, macarons fault line cake, media release, news, news media, news release, online news, press release, projection mapping cake, sugar flower, sugar showpiece, the cake show 2019
Posted by Eat Cake Today on
Recently, Eat Cake Today (ECT) is set to create a platform to showcase popular and future creative trends of a different kind – CAKES & BAKERY ARTS. It is the first of its kind in Malaysia or even South East Asia that introduces Malaysians to this year’s series of exciting creations ranging from various cake types, baking arts, chocolate and sugar artistry which mirror the latest and future trends in the confectionery world.
- Tags: boba lava cake, cake delivery, cake trends 2020, chocolate showpiece, eat cake today, English, gems of the blue cake, gravitiminion cake, jar desserts, macarons fault line cake, news, projection mapping cake, sugar flower, sugar showpiece, the cake show 2019
Posted by Eat Cake Today on
Fenomena hiasan seni membuat dan menghias kek dimana Eat Cake Today telah memperlihatkan kek trend popular dan trend terkini yang kreatif dimana telah terjual pertama kali Cake Portal di Malaysia. Pada minggu lepas, mama berkesempatan menghadiri petunjukan pelbagai jenis kek, seni membuat kek, seni keindahan gubahan coklat dan gula serta kek-kek trend terkini yang menjadi pilihan pelanggan.
- Tags: boba lava cake, cake delivery, cake trends 2020, chocolate showpiece, eat cake today, gems of the blue cake, gravitiminion cake, jar desserts, macarons fault line cake, malay, news, projection mapping cake, sugar flower, sugar showpiece, the cake show 2019
Eat Cake Today《2019年蛋糕展》- 大馬史上首個蛋糕展,展示未來的蛋糕流行新趨勢 | The Cake Show 2019 by Eat Cake Today
Posted by Eat Cake Today on
當全球時尚達人聚首在歐美的各大時尚周之際,大馬也迎来了史上首個「蛋糕展」(Cake Show),勢必讓你一窺蛋糕上的鬼斧神工之餘,也透過味蕾去品嚐賞心悅目的精選蛋糕,驚艷你的視覺與味覺!
- Tags: boba lava cake, cake delivery, cake trends 2020, chinese, chocolate showpiece, eat cake today, gems of the blue cake, gravitiminion cake, jar desserts, macarons fault line cake, news, projection mapping cake, sugar flower, sugar showpiece, the cake show 2019
'The Cake Show 2019' by Eat Cake Today @ WeWork, Equatorial Plaza
Posted by Eat Cake Today on
Hosted by Eat Cake Today, 'The Cake Show 2019' showcases a series of amazing creations ranging from various cake types, baking arts, chocolate and sugar sculptures, not only beautiful but so tasty too. Crafted by award-winning chefs using premium ingredients, the cake show introduces Malaysians to this year's trending
- Tags: boba lava cake, cake delivery, cake trends 2020, chocolate showpiece, eat cake today, gems of the blue cake, gravitiminion cake, jar desserts, macarons fault line cake, news, projection mapping cake, sugar flower, sugar showpiece, the cake show 2019