Rose Soap Flower Bouquet
Soap Flower Bouquet
Soap flowers are always the best gift for any celebration. It's time to order this beautiful Rose Soap Flower Bouquet for your loved ones for any occasion. These brilliant red Rose Soap Flower Bouquet make the perfect romantic bouquet. Nothing whispers love more than a red rose.
Flower Included
💐 6x / 12x Stalks of fragrance rose soap flower with fillers, imported dried preserved natural caspia limonium flower & artificial eucalyptus leave
🎁 Wrapped with imported Korean waterproof flower paper wrapper & tied with silk ribbon
📝 1x Handwritten message on a card
🕑 Same-day delivery in 4 hours
⚠️ Actual product may vary due to product enhancement
Add-Ons Options Mandarin Orange / Bird's Nest / Macarons
🍊 1x Box of Mandarin Orange (8-10 pcs L size / 11-13pcs M size / 14-16 pcs S Size)
🎁 1x Box of Bird's Nest (6 Bottles x 70ml per bottle)
🎁 1x Box of French Macarons (6 Pieces)
Please contact +60178800153 for more information regarding add-ons!
📐 Soap Flower Bouquet Overall Dimension
✓ 6 Stalks: 12 inch (Width) x 14 inch (Height) +/-
✓ 12 Stalks: 16 inch (Width) x 26 inch (Height) +/-
🌹 Fragrance Rose Soap Size: 2 inch each +/-
🌸 Shelf Life: Lasting period is up to 12 months
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