Mille Crepe Cakes

Eat Cake Today delivers you the best Mille Crepe Cakes in Malaysia in just 1 day to your doorstep! There are more than 10 selections of mille crepe cakes in Eat Cake Today. It all comes with different flavours. Our Mille Crepe Cakes are made of 100% No Alcohol & Lard. Low Fat. Low Sugar. Made fresh daily with handpicked ingredients. Suitable for birthday celebrations, events. Have a slice of Mille crepe cake to complete your tea-time.
The crêpe cake, a.k.a. mille crêpes is a stunning French cake consisting of at least 20 layers of crêpes, all stacked up, with luscious filling in between — from pastry cream and buttercream to whipped cream and ganache. Together they bring sublime sensual experience to the palate. Available in irresistible flavours for everyone to try.
Mille Crepe yang bukan sahaja halal, tapi juga rendah lemak dan gula! Pilihlah antara 10 Mille Crepe yang beraneka warna dan citarasa~ Kami dari Eat Cake Today sedia membantu untuk menghantar Mille Crepe ni. Pesan hari ni, dapat esok :)
20 lapisan yang dilapis lagi dengan inti yang lembut dan berkrim yang dibuat daripada krim pastri dan buttercream (ataupun krim putar dan ganache). Itulah Mille Crepe. Bersedia untuk deria rasa kalian untuk disengat dengan rasa-rasa yang cukup padu dan lembut~